Response To Text About ANZAC Day

  1. When did the Gallipoli campaign take place?
  1. a) 1914-1915
  2. b) 1915-1916
  3. c) 1916-1917
  4. d) 1914-1918


  1. What was the main goal of the Gallipoli campaign?
  1. a) To capture Constantinople
  2. b) To establish a sea route to Russia
  3. c) To secure valuable territory in the Middle East
  4. d) To invade Russia


  1. Who were the primary opponents of the ANZACs at Gallipoli?
  1. a) The Germans
  2. b) The Austro-Hungarian Empire
  3. c) The Ottoman Empire
  4. d) The British


Level Two: Vocabulary


  1. ANZAC stands for Australia New Zealand Army Corps; what is a corps?


A corps is a subdivision of an army which means it’s an army that is split into corps.


  1. Complete this table
Word Definition Use in Article Your own sentence
Significant     This means when something or someone is more important than another thing or someone. It has since become a significant symbol of ANZAC Day. I am more significant than you in every way.
Etched This means when you won’t forget about something that happened. Turkey is etched in the collective memory of New Zealanders. I am etched in my memory of New Zealand’s history.
Inadequate This means when something is not good enough. Inadequate medical facilities, and a harsh environment. This person is inadequate.

Tupaia Response to Text

  1. When, and where was Tupaia born?


  1. a) Around 1825 in Rā‘iātea
  2. b) Around 1725 in New Zealand
  3. c) Around 1825 in New Zealand
  4. d) Around 1725 in Rā‘iātea


  1. Rā‘iātea is a part of which larger group of islands? 


  1. a) Samoa       b) Tahiti
  2. c) Rapa Nui      d) Micronesia


  1. What was the name of the British official sent to secure British rule over NZ?


  1. a) William Johnson           b) Abel Tasman
  2. c) William Hobson d) Captain James Cook


  1. One day, more people would come – a different kind of people altogether. They would arrive on a canoe with no outrigger and would change everything: “And this land will be taken by them” Vaita said

Did this prophecy come true? Explain.

→The prophecy came true because he uttered a prophecy that more people would come over to tahiti and would take over and eventually they saw a big dolphin ship full of european or British people and these people were the kind of people Vaita was talking about in his prophecy.


  1. Only about 20 of the painted hoe that were given to Captain Cook in 1769 by Māori survive.


  1. a) True b) False
  1. Describe the role that Tupaia had on board the Endeavour – what did he do on Captain Cook’s ship?


→Tupaia had the role as a navigator. A navigator is one of the most important people when you’re lost or searching for something, because they are the people that guide you or tell you where to go, and Tupaia was one of them.


interpreter Translator I met this guy that only speaks Spanish and he really wanted to talk to me but I didn’t understand him, so the next day I brought my translator man.
diplomat Representative Jacinda Adern was a representative for New Zealand because she used to be the prime minister for New Zealand.
indigenous Inhabitants The Maori are the inhabitants of New Zealand.


  1. Explain the four reasons why Hoe were important, and special pieces of technology for Maori.

→ One reason why they really needed hoes was to make vegetables and food because you use hoes in your farm to help with growing vegetables.

→ Another reason why some people kind of needed hoes was because they could use it in different ways, and since they were so sharp you could use it as a weapon.

→ They also needed hoes because they could use them in different ways and there were so many ways to use them.

→ Hoes were also needed because they needed food for people that were out at sea because there was a sickness and one of the ways to cure the sickness was eating vegetables.

  1. Tupaia (up until recently) and much more Polynesian history remains oral history (that means told by speaking). How can we ensure that this history is available to learn for future generations? Try to come up with at least 2 ways.


→ We could pass down our knowledge about Tupaia and they will learn more and more about him because they might have the technology to do so, that they learned all his history or we could figure out his history right now and they would know about.

Treaty Of Waitangi Response To Text

  1. When did Maori first arrive in Aotearoa, New Zealand?


  1. a) Between 1150 & 1200AD
  2. b) Between 1250 & 1350AD 
  3. c) Between 1250 & 1300AD
  4. d) Last Year


  1. In the 1790’s Pakeha arrived in NZ to do what? 


  1. a) Hunt Moa        b) Start families
  2. c) Hunt whale & seals       d) Escape prison sentences


  1. What was the name of the British official sent to secure British rule over NZ?


  1. a) William Johnson           b) Abel Tasman
  2. c) William Hobson d) Captain James Cook


  1. There were two things that Maori chiefs Hone Heke Pokai and Tamati Waka Nene thought signing the treaty would help accomplish. What were they?


→ They thought signing the Treaty would be good for their people because the British would be protecting them from other tribes from attacking them.

→The other reason they thought the Treaty was good was to make it fair with Maori and Pakeha.


  1. True or False: Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Treaty of Waitangi are the exact same.


  1. a) True b) False


  1. The Waitangi Tribunal was set up in 1975. Describe the job the Waitangi Tribunal have?


→ In 1975 the Waitangi Tribunal protested against the British because of the promise they made to the Maori.

Why We Had To Stay Home

Today on February the thirteenth we had to stay home because of a cyclone that is coming down to the North island of New Zealand. The cyclone is called Cyclone Gabrielle. But not to long ago we where in the middle of a flood.Currently we don’t know when the cyclone is going to end but from then we will continue to stay home. The flooding first started a couple weeks ago where most people got affected. It was terrible but luckily my family didn’t get affected. But I’m mostly grateful because of all the things I still have.