Month: September 2023

John Extension Storyboard

Hi my name is John, and I am going to give you a quick recap of what the extension kids have been doing this term. This term the extension people have been making a Manaiakalani Film Festival Movie for people to see at the HOYTS movie centre at Sylvia Park. So moving on. For the first two weeks we have been deciding what our theme for our movie will be and what our roles would be. After a couple of weeks we finally found what our theme would be for our movie, and it was… OH THE PLACES YOU’LL GO! Yes OH THE PLACES YOU’LL GO! It is a book that was made by the famous Dr Seuss. Anyways we were onto our roles, so we had to pick animators, videographers and many more. My I had three role, they were picking the music for the movie, animating an airplane flying throught the clouds and jumping out of a wall with costumes on. Next term check out our movie on the Manaiakalani website. Here’s the storyboard for our movie.


Extension Movie Role Recap

Talofa Lava, and Malo e Lelei! My name is John. I am in my school’s extension programme that gathers some people to expand their learning knowledge. This year for our extension Film Festival Movie, I had some cool roles like being an actor, and an animator! For my acting job I had to go behind a big wall and pop out of it with three other people. We also had to dress up in some goofy and funny outfits. The hardest part of my actor role was trying to make the year fives communicate with our videographers who were like our directors. For my animator role I had to create a plane flying through the clouds. The hardest part of my animating role was trying to move the propeller and the plane at the same time! But my last role, that was probably one of the most fun part of the movie was… FINDING THE MUSIC FOR THE MOVIE! Yes finding the music for the movie, me and my friend got the role to choose the music. We had to use Youtube Audio Studio, which is a kids version of Spotify. We were scrolling through the site until we saw four songs that we chose. They were all great songs but we ended up with two, and we had to choose one, but we ended up using both of them. I you want the sounds they are called

  1. Bike Rides and Splashing Around.

But overall I loved my roles and I also had great people that I worked with.